Supplier information about FiiZK protection AS

Fiizk Protection AS has merged with the subsidiary Fiizk Covers AS and the sister company Fiizk NWP AS!

Trondheim, June 1st. 2022.

With the merger, we will simplify the company structure and the administrative work at all levels. The company name Fiizk Protection AS will be continued, with the existing 994 668 420.

The merger has no consequences for you as a customer or supplier. Contracts and agreements as well as rights and obligations are continued.

We prefer an invoice at EHF, but if someone has to use email, an email address will be provided invoice receipt for all the merged companies will be: [email protected] 

Postal address: Stiklestadveien 1, 7041 Trondheim Note that incoming invoices received at the old address will not be in use - from 7th of June. 

We look forward to a continued good collaboration. 

If you have questions about this, contact yours primary FiiZK contact or possibly CFO Bård Skogstad by email: [email protected]

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